Sunday Morning

Sunday School 9:45 AM

 Worship 11:00 AM

Sunday Evening

Discipleship Training

5:00 pm

Worship 6:00 pm

Wednesday Night

Bible Study 7:00 PM

1546 HWy. 54

Greenfield, TN

Sunday School

We would like to invite all of you to come to one of our Sunday School classes. They meet at 9:45 am. We have classes for every age group; from the smallest child to the oldest adult. These are small groups designed to help our people know the Bible better; to encourage fellowship and community in our Church; and to encourage people praying for each other. Also, the classes are set up and designed for the different age groups. For example, a children’s class teaches a lesson that’s geared towards that age child. And, of course, adult classes teach from the perspective of an adult. If you would like more information, or if you would like to know where a class meets, please call us at 235-2582 from 8 am -1 pm on Monday-Thursday. Leave a message if you have to, and we’ll call you back. We WANT YOU to come to Sunday School at Bethel. In fact, we encourage you to come and just tap someone on the shoulder and ask them where your class is. But, I think you will find people, here, at Bethel ready to help you and glad to see you and your family. And yes, there is a nursery available.

Class Options

College and Career

18-25 years of age


25-40 years of age

(singles and young, married couples)

The Truth Seekers

40-55 years of age

(young, married couples and adult middles)

Median Adult Sunday School Class

55-75 years of age

Senior Adult Class

75+ years of age

For Children and Youth Classes

Visit our Youth and Children’s Ministry Pages

We Hope You Join Us!

Ages are soley approximate.

Anyone of any age can join the Sunday School class that feels right.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23