Welcome to the Bethel Baptist Church website. We would love to meet you, and give you a warm, friendly welcome in a more personal way, some Sunday, when you visit our Church. We are located just north of Greenfield, on HWY 54. Our mailing address is 659 Shafter Rd, but you can drive into our parking lot, right off of HWY 54. We have an entrance at both places, whichever is most convenient to you. We meet for worship services at 11 am and 6 pm on Sunday nights. We want you to come and worship our great God with us.
When you get to our Church, you will find friendly people, who are dressed in all sorts of ways. We don’t care what kind of clothes you wear. Our people wear every thing from nice casual, to blue jeans, to dresses, and some even wear a tie. Again, we’re not interested in what kind of clothes you wear, as long as you’re wearing something! Again, we just want you to come and worship with us.
Also, you will find uplifting, inspiring music, which lifts the heart to worship God. We sing a mixture of musical styles; from contemporary, worship and praise music to the old hymns. God has blessed us with many gifted singers, here, at Bethel. And, the solo’s they sing will bless the heart and warm the soul. We want to worship the Lord with our singing, and we invite you to join right in.
Also, you will hear Biblical preaching and teaching from the pulpit. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and that it is powerful. You will hear preaching that lifts up Jesus Christ, and it will inspire you to have a relationship with Him. It is our heartfelt desire that people come to know God, in a personal way. And, we truly want people to grow in their faith, after they get saved. So, we preach the Gospel, and we teach the Bible. And, we try to always preach and teach with the passion and power of the Holy Spirit.
Also, we have Sunday School, on Sunday mornings, at 9:45 for all ages. We have Awana for the children on Sunday nights at 5. We also have Discipleship Training classes for adults and youth, at 5 pm on Sunday. Also, on Wednesday night, we have a prayer meeting and Bible Study at 7. You are more than welcome to attend all of these services.
Again, we want to extend a warm, friendly invitation to you to come to Bethel. Come and experience the goodness of God with us.
Please contact us if you have questions about visiting the church.